Empowering designers and product teams with design principles

Reading time: 2 min Published: 2024/04/22

Centralizing decisions can be a common approach to control outcomes, but it often results in delays and demotivated employees.


By decentralizing decisions, teams and designers can work independently and react faster to new challenges and opportunities. This autonomy creates a sense of ownership and pride in their work, leading to better outcomes for the entire organization.


Embracing decentralized decision-making requires a clear understanding of roles and responsibilities at every level. This knowledge empowers employees, making them feel more prepared and confident in their ability to contribute effectively.


It’s key to consider the broader context and the dynamics at higher levels as a designer. This deeper understanding helps grasp why certain decisions are made and helps align their actions with the organization’s goals.


Managers play a crucial role in the transition to decentralized decision-making. By clearly communicating their ambitions and expectations, they provide the necessary guidance and support for their team members to act independently, making them feel guided and supported.

This includes providing proper training, ongoing support, and clear guidance. When team members truly understand their manager’s aspirations and the external context, they will make better design decisions, ensuring consistency.


Understanding the ‘why’ behind tasks is a powerful motivator. When team members see the bigger picture and comprehend the significance of their work, they are more likely to be engaged and produce exceptional results.


It is vital for design teams to understand their role within the organization. Establishing clear design principles can help. These principles define what good design means in that organization, including factors such as user experience, functionality, and aesthetics, and provide a framework for designers to make independent decisions that align with the overall product vision.

Examples of Design Values

This is a collection of design principles we used to inform decision-making, ensuring designs were cohesive and user-friendly. Effective design principles help maintain consistency and still allowing for creative flexibility.

We do the hard work to make it simple for our users to interact with our designs. We design solutions that are usable and relevant.

We guard our users agains unnecessary interruptions and concerns. We design solutions that are reliable and secure.

We utilize sets of content, hierarchies, and functions identically across devices. We are consistent on our designs.

We respect the system that builds on the users’s trust and prior experience. We design for an ecosystem.

We are looking to tomorrow instead of referencing the design trends of today. We design aesthetically pleasing solutions.